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4 crazy peoples (Athan, Ipanks, Natalia, Ulie) has made a decision to create this amazing blog together.
All for one, and one for all!

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Batman: The Dark Night

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As of the title, this post will tell you our review about Batman's sequel movie, "The Dark Night". Of course, our hero still shows his capability to catch the bad people here, armed with some new model of weapons. You can see it clearly on the new modified BatMobile (well, it looks more 'macho' to me LOL). Well, Joker takes his place as the bad guy on this movie, which is Batman's real enemy for all the story, as we know.

The story begin with a bank robbery, with Joker and his gank play the game as the criminal with mask. But things gone weird when we find out that Joker has told his guys that there will be only one person can work with him until the game is over. So, one by one, they kill each other until we figured out that 'the last person' whom Joker mean is himself, not more and less.

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Jump to another scene, it was an interesting moment when Batman comes with his all-new BatMobile, because of the modification has made it completely changed from its old version. You can see the difference betwen the 2 versions of BatMobile here. Once again, it looks more 'macho' than before.

BatMobile on Batman Returns (old version)
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All New BatMobile version
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Mean while, Gotham City has an extreme-anti-corruption DA, his name is Harvey Dent. He works together with an officer named Jim Gordon. So it makes three of them-Batman included for sure-work hardly to reduce criminal rates at Gotham City.

But obviously can be seen after, it was not an easy job, because their biggest enemy (which is Joker) keep attacking this three musketeers and the Gotham's civilians. We've got such an interesting view on some scene at the Medal of Honour Ceremonies for the Police Department's officers. Joker and his gank suddenly attack the ceremony and it caused lots of people die at the moment, both from the Police Department and the civilian. Even Harvey Dent got scar on his face, next the scald gonna makes him known as "Harvey The Two Face".

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As what we thought, Batman must work really hard to fight Joker this time. We must admit that Joker plays so smooth on this movie, and it makes the audience cannot move their eyes from the screen (including us ^^). But at the end, every criminal thing must be behind the good ones.

We notice that there's some interesting statement on this movie that can be reviewed. We can mention this one, it was when Bruce Wayne is sewing scar on his hand after the fight, there comes Alfred. Alfred said to Bruce to "Knows your limit, master Bruce". We can take a learn from this, that we should know where exactly our limit so that we can give it a break if we fall, and not to over challenge that limit to our body.

Actually, we can learn so much from this movie, but we'll let you know it by yourself by watching it. Hopefully it can be a good movie for you and your family. Just watch it carefully, and grab you own perception about the philosophy. So please wait for another movie review on another post here.

Last but not least, thank you for stepping by here, reading our post, and we wish you a happy day, always ^_^

Note: Original Indonesian review by Ipanks, translate by Ulie.


Athan "themozzie" said...

pertamaxxx nya ...

and i just want to say ...

how cool i am if i have some of the Batman stuff ...

really cool gadget ...

awesome ... !!!

Athan "themozzie" said...

and for the second ...

Athan "themozzie" said...

and of course ...

for the third ...

acctually i want to post a comment 10 times ...

but i will gave it to the others ...

wakakakakak ... PEACE ...

Tripzibit said...

Too bad, in this movie Batmobile get some serious damage, so Batman have to destroy it :(

Ulie Gallery said...

Hm.. I watched this movie on midnight show at Pasaraya Grande hohoho..

Do you guys mind if I junk something here? ^_^